Published Articles & Reports


  • Mazurczyk, T. & Brooks, R.P. (2022). Native biodiversity increases with rising plant invasions in temperate, freshwater wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 30:139-160. DOI:
  • Backhaus, P.J., Lee, S., Nassry, M., McCarty, G., Lang, M., Brooks, R.P. (2020). Evaluating a remote wetland functional assessment along an alteration gradient in coastal plain depressional wetlands. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 75(6):727-738. DOI: 
  • Hirt, C.C., Tamie L Veith, Amy S Collick, Susan E Yetter, and Robert P Brooks. (2020). Headwater stream condition and nutrient runoff: Relating the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to empirical ecological measures in an agricultural watershed in Pennsylvania. Journal of Environmental Quality 49(3):557-568.
  • Royer, Matthew B, Robert P Brooks, James S Shortle, Susan Yetter. (2020). Shared discovery: a process to co-produce knowledge among scientists, policy makers, and stakeholders for solving nutrient pollution problems. Journal of Environmental Quality 49(3):603-612.
  • Kleinman, P., Brooks, R.P., Fernandez, C., Nassry, M., Veith, T., McCarty, G., Wallace, C., Hagan, E., Saporito, L., Hyberg, S., Iovanna, R., Claggett, S., Duriancik, L., Tsegave, T. (2019). Riparian forest buffers of the Susquehanna-Chesapeake Watershed: observations and recommendations. Final report on Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program buffers to USDA Farm Service Agency, Washington, DC.
  • Moon, JB, TH DeWitt, MN Errend, RJF Bruins, ME Kentula. SJ Chamberlain, MS Fennessy, KJ Naithani. 2017. Model application niche analysis: assessing the transferability and generalizability of ecological models. Ecosphere 10.1002/ecs2.1974.
  • Britson, A., Wardrop, D., Drohan, P. 2015. Plant community composition as a driver of decomposition in riparian wetlandsWetland Ecology and Management. DOI:10.1007/s11273-015-9459-6.
  • DeBerry, DA, SJ Chamberlain, and JW Matthews. 2015. Trends in Floristic Quality Assessment for wetland evaluation. Wetland Science and Practice. 32(2):12-22.
  • Shortle, J., Abler, D., Blumsack, S., Britson, A., Fang, K., Kemanian, A., Knight, P., McDill, M., Najjar, R., Nassry, M., Ready, R., Ross, A., Rydzik, M., Shen, C., Wang, S., Wardrop, D., Yetter., S. 2015. Pennsylvania Climate Impacts Assessment Update. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
  • Cole, C.A., C. P. Cirmo, D. H. Wardrop, R. P. Brooks, and J. Peterson-Smith. 2008. Transferability of an HGM wetland classification scheme to a longitudinal gradient of the central Appalachian Mountains: initial hydrological resultsWetlands 28(2):439-449.
  • Pyke, C. R., R. G. Najjar, M. B. Adams, D. Breitburg, M. Kemp, C. Hershner, R. Howarth, M. Mulholland, M. Paolisso, D. Secor, K. Sellner, D. Wardrop, and R. Wood. 2008. Climate Change and the Chesapeake Bay: State-of-the-Science Review and Recommendations. A Report from the Chesapeake Bay Program Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), Annapolis, MD. 59 pp.
  • Reinert, H. K., L. M. Bushar, G. L. Rocco, and R. A. Odum. 2008. Ecology of the Aruba Island Rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus unicolor. Pages 335-352. In: W.K. Hayes, K.R. Beaman, M.D. Cardwell, and S.P. Bush (eds.), The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, CA.
  • Rocco, G. L., C. Patnode, J. A. Bishop, and R. P. Brooks. 2008. Stream salamander assemblage attributes in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands in relation to proximity to power plant emissions, upstream mountain top mining, environmental correlates, and concentration of selenium in salamander tissue. Final Report to USFWS, State College Field Office, PA. 20 pp.
  • Rocco, G. L., J. T. Hite, and R. P. Brooks. 2008. Monitoring of bog turtle colonies at sites in immediate proximity to development in southeastern Pennsylvania: Year 1 (2007) Report of Activities. Technical Report to PA Fish & Boat Commission. 25 pp.
  • Rocco, G. L., R. P. Brooks, R. B. McKinstry, and J. F. Thorne. 2008. Habitat Conservation Plan to establish conservation banks for the threatened bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) in portions of Chester County, Pennsylvania and New Castle County, Delaware, Corresponding to the Delaware West Recovery Unit. Final Report to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Habitat Conservation Planning Grant (4100016440). Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 166pp.
  • Spinola, R. M., T. L. Serfass, and R. P. Brooks. 2008. Survival and post-release movements of river otters translocated to western NYNortheastern Naturalist 15(1):13-24.
  • Johnson, G. D., W. L. Myers, G. P. Patil, T. J. O’Connell and R. P. Brooks. 2003. Predictability of bird community-based ecological integrity using landscape measurements. Pages 617-637 D.J. Rapport, W.L. Lasley, D.E. Rolston, N.O. Nielsen, C.O. Qualset, and A.B. Damania (eds.) Managing for Healthy Ecosystems, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida USA.
  • O’Connell, T. J., R. P. Brooks, S. E. Laubscher, R. S. Mulvihill, and T. L. Master. 2003. Using bioindicators to develop a calibrated index of regional ecological integrity for forested headwater ecosystems. Report No. 2003-01, Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center, Final Report to U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, STAR Grants Program, Washington, DC. 87pp.+app.
  • O’Connell, T. J., R. P. Brooks, M. Lanzone, and J. A. Bishop. 2003. A bird community index for the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Final Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Rep. No. 2003-02 Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr., University Park, PA. 44pp.
  • Patil, G. P., R. P. Brooks, W. L. Myers, and C. Taillie. 2003. Multiscale advanced raster map analysis system for measuring ecosystem health at landscape scale–A novel synergistic consortium initiative. Pages 567-576 in Managing for Healthy Ecosystems, D. Rapport, W. Lasley, D. Rolston, O. Nielsen, C. Qualset, and A. Damania, (eds.). CRC Press/Lewis Publ., Boca Raton, FL.
  • Brooks, R. P., D. H. Wardrop, T. A. Rightnour, and S. J. Miller. 2002. Reference Wetland Monitoring and Restoration Projects in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Final Report to the National Park Service. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 2002-1, University Park. 85pp.
  • Brooks, R. P., D. H. Wardrop, and J. A. Bishop. 2002. Watershed-based protection for wetlands in Pennsylvania: Levels 1 & 2 – Synoptic maps and rapid field assessments. Final Report to Pennsylvania Dep. Environ. Prot. Report No. 2002-2, Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr, University Park, PA. 66pp.
  • Brooks, R. P., D. H. Wardrop, C. A. Cole, and K. R. Reisinger. 2002. Using reference wetlands for integrating wetland inventory, assessment, and restoration for watersheds. Pages 9-15 in R. W. Tiner (compiler). Watershed-based wetland planning and evaluation. A collection of papers from the Wetland Millennium Event, 6-12 August 2000, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Distrib. by Assoc. State Wetland Managers, Inc., Berne, NY. 141pp.
  • Campbell, D. A., C. A. Cole, and R. P. Brooks. 2002. A comparison of created and natural wetlands in Pennsylvania, USA. Wetlands Ecology and Management 10:41-49.
  • Cole, C. A., R. P. Brooks, P. W. Shaffer, and M. E. Kentula. 2002. Comparison of the hydrology of wetlands in Pennsylvania and Oregon (USA) as an indicator of the transferability of hydrogeomorphic (HGM) functional models between regions.Environmental Management 30(2):265-278.
  • Serfass, T. L., and R. P. Brooks. 2002. River otter reintroduction: The Pennsylvania approach. Pages 308-311 in Robert Dulfer, Jim Conroy, Jan Nel, and Arno C. Gutleb (eds.). Otter Conservation – an example for a sustainable use of wetlands. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, Vol. 19A, Special Issue. Proceedings VIIth Internatinonal Otter Colloquium, 14-19 March 1998, Trebon, Czech Republic. 396pp.
  • Brooks, R. P., S. Shortle, S. M. Smith, B. M. Evans, T. A. Rightnour, and K. Hoover. 2001. Economic and Environmental Benefits of Watershed Restoration for Rural Communities. Final Report for USDA Fund for Rural America. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr Rep. No. 2001-01, University Park, PA.
  • Brooks, R. P., and D. H. Wardrop. 2001. Assessment of Big Swamp, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 2001-03, University Park, PA. 9pp.
  • Cole, C. A., R. P. Brooks, and D. H. Wardrop. 2001. Assessing the relationship between biomass and soil organic matter in created wetlands of central Pennsylvania, USA.Ecological Engineering 17:423-428.
  • Johnson, G. D., W. L. Myers, G. P. Patil, T. J. O’Connell, and R. P. Brooks. 2001. Predictability of bird community-based ecological integrity using landscape. Pages 79-104 in O. Rossi (ed.). Cartografia multiscalare della natura. Proc. IX Congresso Nasionale Della Societa Italiana Di Ecologia, Lecce, Italy. 201pp.
  • Myers, W., J. Bishop, R. Brooks, and G. P. Patil. 2001. Composite spatial indexing of regional habitat importance. Community Ecology 2(2):213-220.
  • Patil, G. P., R. P. Brooks, W. L. Myers, D. J. Rapport, and C. Taillie. 2001. Ecosystem health and its measurement at landscape scale: Towards the next generation of quantitative assessments. Ecosystem Health 7(4):307-316.
  • Spinola, R. M., T. L. Serfass, and R. P. Brooks. 2001. Survival, movement patterns, habitat use, and food habits of river otters reintroduced in western New York. Final Report to NY Dep. Environ. Conserv. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 2001-03, Pennsylvania State University, University Park and Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD. 66pp.
  • Serfass, T. L., R. P. Brooks, and W. M. Tzilkowski. 2001. Fisher reintroduction in Pennsylvania. Final Report of the Pennsylvania Fisher Reintroduction Project. Frostburg State University and Pennsylvania State University. 222pp.
  • Bennett, R. J. and R. P. Brooks. 1999. Development of an Invertebrate Community Index (ICI) for Appalachian wetlands. Final Rep. for U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, Washington, DC. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 99-1. 86pp.
  • Brooks, R. P., D. H. Wardrop, and J. K. Perot. 1999. Development and application of assessment protocols for determining the ecological condition of wetlands in the Juniata River Watershed. U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Corvallis, OR. EPA/600/R-98-181. 30pp. (Project Description)
  • Gray, A., R. P. Brooks, D. H. Wardrop, and J. K. Perot. 1999. Pennsylvania’s Adopt-a-Wetland Program Wetland Education and Monitoring Module: Student Manual. Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center, University Park, PA. 100pp.
  • Mitcheltree, D. H., T. L. Serfass, W. M. Tzilkowski, R. L. Peper, M. T. Whary, and R. P. Brooks. 1999. Physiological responses of fishers to immobilization with ketamine, ketamine-xylazine, or Telazol. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27(3):582-591.
  • Serfass, T. L., M. J. Lavallo, R. P. Brooks, A. H. Hayden, and D. H. Mitcheltree. 1999. Status and distribution of river otters in Pennsylvania following a reintroduction projectJournal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 73(1):10-14.
  • Swimley, T. S., R. P. Brooks, and T. L. Serfass. 1999. Otter and beaver interactions in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation AreaJournal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 72(3):97-101.
  • Wardrop, D. H., J. K. Perot, and R. P. Brooks. 1999. Watershed modeling for water quality effects on wetlands. Final Rep. for PA Dep. Environ. Prot., Div. Waterways, Wetlands, and Erosion Control. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 99-2, University Park. 52pp.+appendices.
  • Brooks, R. P., T. J. O’Connell, D. H. Wardrop, and L. E. Jackson. 1998. Towards a regional index of biological integrity: the examples of forested riparian ecosystems. Environ. Monit. Assmt. 51(1-2):131-143.
  • Brooks, R. P., K. R. Tamminga, C. J. Lipton, R. F. Carline, D. Genito, and R. L. Day. 1998. Protection and management plan for the Millbrook Marsh Nature Center. Final Report to The ClearWater Conservancy/PADCNR. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 98-2. 95pp.+9 maps.
  • Cole, C. A., R. P. Brooks, and D. H. Wardrop. 1998. Building a better wetland – A response to Linda ZugWetland Journal 10(2):8-11.
  • Cole, C. A. 1998. Theoretical function or functional theory? Issues in wetland creation. Pages 679-690 in A. J. McComb and J. A. Davis. Wetlands for the future. Contrib. INTECOL’s V International Wetlands Conference, Gleneagles Publishing, Adelaide, AUS.
  • O’Connell, T. J., L. E. Jackson, and R. P. Brooks. 1998. A bird community index of biotic integrity for the Mid-Atlantic Highlands. Environ. Monit. Assmt. 51(1-2):145-156.
  • O’Connell, T. J., L. E. Jackson, and R. P. Brooks. 1998. The bird community index: a tool for assessing biotic integrity in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands. Final Report to the USEPA-EMAP. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 98-4. 57pp.
  • Prosser, D. J., and R. P. Brooks. 1998. A verified habitat suitability index for the Louisiana Waterthrush. J. Field Ornith. 69(2):288-298.
  • Reinhardt, C. H., C. A. Cole, and R. P. Brooks. 1998. Assessing historical wetland seed banks using Cs137: a pilot studyJ. PA Acad. Sci. 71(3):125-134.
  • Serfass, T. L., R. P. Brooks, J. M. Novak, P. E. Johns, and O. E. Rhodes, Jr. 1998. Genetic variation among river otter populations in North America: Considerations for reintroduction projects. J. Mammal. 79(3):736-746.
  • Serfass, T. S. and R. P. Brooks. 1998. Wetlands mammals. Pages 350-358 in S. K. Majumdar, E. W. Miller, and F. J. Brenner (eds.). Ecology of wetlands and associated systems. Penn. Acad. Sci., Easton, PA.
  • Swimley, T. J., T. L. Serfass, R. P. Brooks, and W. M. Tzilkowski. 1998. Predicting river otter latrine sites in PennsylvaniaWildl. Soc. Bull. 26(4):836-845.
  • Swimley, T. J., R. P. Brooks, and T. L. Serfass. Management recommendations for otter and beaver in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Final Report to the National Park Service Mid-Atlantic Region. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 98-7, University Park. 23pp.
  • Wardrop, D. H. and R. P. Brooks. 1998. The occurrence and impact of sedimentation in central Pennsylvania wetlands. Environ. Monit. Assmt. 51(1-2):119-130.
  • Wardrop, D. H., R. P. Brooks, L. Bishel-Machung, and C. A. Cole. 1998. Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) functional assessment models for Pennsylvania wetlands. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 98-6, University Park. 50pp.
  • Babb, J. S., C. A. Cole, R. P. Brooks, and A. W. Rose. 1997. Hydrogeomorphology, watershed geology, and water quality of wetlands in central PennsylvaniaJ. PA Acad. Sci. 71(1):21-28.
  • Brooks, R. P. 1997. Improving habitat suitability models. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 25(1):163-167.
  • Brooks, R. P. 1997. Riparian forests: A resilient edge habitat of streams, wetlands, and lakesPenn. Forests 88(2):4-5.
  • Brooks, R.P. and N. Obel. 1997. Spring Creek Biodiversity Poster. This poster is a dynamic portrayal of the biodiversity of Spring Creek Watershed in central Pennsylvania using colorful and technically accurate drawings of more than 20 species of animals and plants found in the watershed. The full color poster, 40 inches high by 26 inches wide, was drawn by artist Nils Obel of Camden, Maine, and conceived and produced by Robert P. Brooks, Director of the Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center, for the citizens’ group, the Spring Creek Community. Copies of this poster are available for $10 each ($5 each for 10 or more), including shipping.
  • Brooks, R.P. and N. Obel. 1997. Riparia Biodiversity Poster. The art of this poster is the same as that of Spring Creek, listed above, but the text focuses on a wider geographic area that includes the Chesapeake Bay and eastern U.S. Copies of this poster are available for $10 each ($5 each for 10 or more), including shipping.
  • Cole, C. A., R. P. Brooks, and D. H. Wardrop. 1997. Wetland hydrology as a function of hydrogeomorphic (HGM) class. Wetlands 17(4):456-467.
  • Goslee, S. C., R. P. Brooks, and C. A. Cole. 1997. Plants as indicators of wetland water source. Plant Ecology 131(2):199-206.
  • Miller, J. N., R. P. Brooks, and M. J. Croonquist. 1997. Effects of landscape patterns on biotic communities. Landsc. Ecol. 12(3):137-153.
  • Miller, R. L., Jr., D. R. DeWalle, R. P. Brooks, and J. C. Finley. 1997. Long-term impacts of forest road crossings of wetlands in Pennsylvania. No. J. Appl. Forest. 14(3):109-116.
  • Stauffer, A. L. and R. P. Brooks. 1997. Plant and soil responses to salvaged marsh surface and organic matter amendments at a created wetland in central Pennsylvania.Wetlands 17(1):90-105.
  • Banski, K., J. C. Finley, R. P. Brooks, M. C. Brittingham, and A. Etling. 1996. Establishing vegetative buffer strips along streams to improve water quality. College of Agricultural Sciences, Coop. Ext., Pennsylvania State University, University Park. 56pp.
  • Bishel-Machung, L., R. P. Brooks, S. S. Yates, and K. L. Hoover. 1996. Soil properties of reference wetlands and wetland creation projects in PennsylvaniaWetlands 16(4):532-541.
  • Brooks, R. P., C. A. Cole, D. H. Wardrop, L. Bishel-Machung, D. J. Prosser, D. A. Campbell, M. T. Gaudette. 1996. Wetlands, wildlife, and watershed assessment techniques for evaluation and restoration (W3ATER). Vol. 1, 2A, and 2B, Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 96-2, University Park. 782pp.
  • Cole, C. A., T. L. Serfass, M. C. Brittingham, and R. P. Brooks. 1996. Managing your restored wetland. College of Agricultural Sciences, Coop. Ext., Pennsylvania State University, University Park. 44pp.
  • Serfass, T. L., R. P. Brooks, T. J. Swimley, L. M. Rymon, and A. H. Hayden. 1996. Considerations for capturing, handling, and translocating otters. Wildl. Soc. Bull.24(1):25-31.
  • Brooks, R. P. and D. J. Prosser. 1995. Wildlife Habitat Suitability Models. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 95-1. University Park. 27pp.
  • Brooks, R. P. and T. W. Gardner. 1995. Handbook for wetland creation on reclaimed surface mines. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 95-3, University Park. 59pp.
  • Brooks, R. P., C. A. Cole, L. Bishel, D. H. Wardrop, D. J. Prosser, D. E. Arnold., and G. W. Petersen. 1995. Evaluating and implementing watershed approaches for protecting Pennsylvania’s wetlands. Volumes 1 and 2. Final Report to PA Dep. Environ. Resour. and USEPA Region 3, ERRI Rep. No. 9506. Penn State Coop. Wetl. Ctr. Rep. No. 95-5. (See 96-2)
  • Serfass, T. L., M. T. Whary, R. L. Peper, R. P. Brooks, T. J. Swimley, W. R. Lawrence, and C. E. Rupprect. 1995. Rabies in a river otter intended for reintroduction. J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 26(2):311-314.
  • Brooks, R. P. 1994. Approaches to ecological restoration. Pages 43-46 in Proc. Symp. Ecological Restoration, 2-4 March 1993, Chicago, IL. U. S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Washington, DC. EPA 841-B-94-003. 212pp.
  • Brooks, R. P., L. R. Stark, L. K. Davis, R. F. Unz, T. A. Rightnour, and D. R. Barnes. 1994. Long-term trends in metal removal by constructed wetlands receiving coal mine drainage. Pages 33-36 in Y. P. Chugh and D. C. Davin (eds.). Proc. Natl. Mine Land Reclamation Ctr. Symp. ’93. Coal Res. Ctr., S. Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL 302pp.
  • Brooks, R. P., D. A. Devlin, and J. Hassinger (with M. C. Brittingham and G. A. Hoover). 1994. Wetlands and Wildlife. College of Agricultural Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, PA. 55pp. ($4 – a semi-technical, illustrated review of wetlands and wetland wildlife)
  • Serfass, T. L., R. P. Brooks, and L. M. Rymon. 1994. Evidence of long-term survival and reproduction by translocated river ottersCan. Field Naturalist 107:59-63.
  • Stark, L. R., R. P. Brooks, F. M. Williams, and L. K. Davis. 1994. Water quality during storm events from two constructed wetlands receiving mine drainageWater Resour. Bull. 30(4):639-650.